5 Ways to secure High Marks in English Essay Assignments

English Essay Writing Help

English Essay Writing Help:

The knowledge of writing English essays is quite essential in today’s world. It is required basically in elementary schools, middle schools and is also essential in the business world. It is explained in English Essay Writing Help, an essay can be defined as any piece of writing that expresses the writer’s opinion as well as represents some valuable information. Writing an essay can seem to be pretty easy and simple, but a lot of planning and understanding goes into it to make it a successful one.

There are different steps of writing a good English essay. They are: –

  • Create a word bank– After the selection of the topic, write a thesis and try to find words that are related to the topic. Then you can diversify the list of words that are not closely related to the topic.
  • Act like a reporter- Whenever a topic is assigned, you should get curious about it as much as possible. This will help you to find a lot of answers regarding the topic and also you will be able to explore a lot of content about the topic.
  • Create topic sentences– A topic sentence is basically the first sentence of the paragraph that represents the content of the rest of the paragraph.
  • Argue both sides- In case you are writing a long essay, then it is fruitful to lead the argument from both the sides. That helps us to capture more content and provide better insight.
  • Read backward- Grammatical mistakes are inevitable in case of long writings. So in order to avoid those, cross-checking is necessary.

Sociology Essay Writing Help:

Human behavior is often said to be known as sociology. Sociology Essay Writing Help covers a wide number of topics that makes it ambiguous for the students to write effective essays that fetch them good marks. A student needs to have sufficient amount of time and knowledge in this area to come up with a quality and informative essay. The engagement of students in various non-academic activities makes them short of adequate time and knowledge in writing an effective sociology essay. Time and knowledge of the topic are two basic pre-requisites for the writing of sociology essays.

There are various assumptions in sociology essays. They are: –

  • Individual argument- In this, the individual is independent to take any decisions or choices solely based on his own ideas. It may be true that we make our own choices, but it is also true that we get influenced by the society to a large extent. Therefore it is very essential to retrospect the conditions under which we took those decisions.
  • Society argument- This often arises in response to the various questioning over other styles of arguments. It majorly comes in the form of the saying “society made me do it”. Students often mistake this as a good sociologist argument but it plays a role in making the real workings of the situations weak and prevents in building a strong case.

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